MembershipThe membership of the River City Rodders is open to any one who has an interest in cars, even if they don’t currently own an old car. Dues are $75 per year and are payable in January. Attendance at
meetings and club events is optional, but that’s where all the fun is. All members are required to work at our annual car show in September and to help solicit sponsorships. To pursue membership, simply fill out the information form below and mail with your check to River City Rodders, 910 Pheasant Cove Dr, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. We always tell prospective members they will fit right in if they like cars, they like to BS and they like to eat. We encourage prospective members to attend one of our monthly meetings as our guest and take us for a test drive before making their final commitment. To arrange a visit, you can contact: Rick Horrell (club president) at [email protected] / 573-388-6536 or DannyEssner (club secretary) at [email protected] / 573-979-2169. |